Global Publishing Administration

Collect every royalty, everywhere

Publishing Administration

Muserk - Global Publishing Administration

Rights holders have too few options for admining their catalogs. Large gaps exist between admin types in terms of technical abilities, scalability, personal attention and contract terms. Muserk offers a better option by providing copyright holders with access to a smart and passionate team with the most powerful global copyright administration & royalty collection platform in the world.

Admin Services

We do the heavy lifting of navigating the complexities of global administration while rights owners focus what’s important to them. Our expert team and technology ensure copyrights is protected and earning across the globe.

  • Global Registrations: Register works in every possible territory for any right
  • Worldwide Collections: Collect royalties across every platform, across the globe
  • Licensing Administration: We manage Performance, mechanical, physical, streaming, and new media
  • Royalty Accounting: We aggregate earnings from all licensing activity and deliver accurate, detailed statements

Technology driven rights administration

Muserk goes far beyond the industry standard of passive administration.

  • CWR, bulk registration, any format: Delivers catalog instantly to our international network of collection points. Get copyrights begin earning, faster.
  • A.I. powered claiming: A.I. assisted matching to discover more usage, covers, and UGC, while matching royalties.
  • Robust royalty accounting: Muserk leverages parallel computing to deliver royalties to you as fast as possible.
Insights and Analytics

Insights & Analytics

Our Blue Matter dashboard answers your most burning questions. Find out the who, what, when, where, how, and how much royalties were earned.

  • Earnings by right and usage format
  • Actionable insights to prioritize catalog

We’re excited to see what services we can provide for you!